
Philadelphia Venture Capital Investors in Pennsylvania

[Get Contact] Philadelphia Venture Capital | Investors in Pennsylvania
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Apply for Startup Funding – Philadelphia Venture Capital Investors in Pennsylvania

First Round Capital

Investing at the earliest possible stage, First Round offers a growing number of services and products to help founders build companies from scratch. We don’t split angel, seed and pre-seed funding into separate categories — we’re interested in providing the same support across the board. From Blue Apron to Uber, this is how we’ve helped 300+ companies start up.

Office Location: Philadelphia, San Francisco

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Comcast Ventures

Comcast Ventures is a returns-focused fund, investing in companies across consumer, enterprise, and frontier technology sectors and partnering with founders through every stage of growth. They help entrepreneurs drive growth and operational efficiencies through unique partnerships and a team of experts at Forecast Labs.

Office Location: New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Palo Alto, Santa Monica

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Contact Details – Philadelphia Venture Capital Investors in Pennsylvania

CSRI Capital

SRI Capital is an early-stage venture capital firm focused on funding innovative startups primarily in the US and in India. Their primary areas of interest are enterprise software and deep tech. They are interested in US/Indian startups developing applications and technology for sale to the global enterprise market, preferably in a subscription model with built-in scalability for rapid growth. They are usually the first institutional investor in a company, leading or co-investing in a pre-Series A round. They invest between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000 for a meaningful minority interest.

Office Location: Philadelphia, Hyderabad

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1315 Capital

1315 Capital is a private investment firm with over $500 million under management that provides expansion and growth capital to commercial-stage healthcare services, medical technology, and specialty therapeutics companies. They target markets where high-quality management teams can rapidly scale platform companies into large and important businesses that positively impact patients, physicians, and the broader healthcare system.

Office Location: Philadelphia

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Apply for Startup Funding – Trusted Venture Capitalists in Pennsylvania

Juno Capital

Juno Capital is an early-stage venture capital firm that is committed to providing long-term value to their portfolio companies by providing access to their platform, network, and team. Founded by two Philadelphia based entrepreneurs, Juno Capital is looking to partner with exceptional and disruptive entrepreneurs throughout the greater Philadelphia area.

Office Location: Philadelphia

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Contact Details – Venture Capital Investors in Pennsylvania. Apply for Startup Funding – Most Active VC Firms in Pennsylvania. Apply for Startup Funding – Trusted Venture Capitalists in Pennsylvania.

Top Venture Capital Firms in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Venture Capital Firms Startup Investors in Pennsylvania. Startup Investors in Pennsylvania. Most active startup investors in Philadelphia. Most active startup funding firms in Philadelphia. Private investors in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Venture Capital Firms Startup Investors in Pennsylvania.

Contact Venture Capital Firms in Philadelphia, Contact VC Firms in Philadelphia, Startup Funding in Philadelphia, Top Venture Capitalists in Philadelphia – A Curated List, 2021 Most Active VC Firms in Philadelphia, 2021 Most Active Venture Capitalists in Philadelphia.

Do you need funding for your startup?

Please note :

(1) The list above also includes VC Firms from nearby cities to Philadelphia

(2) Ordering of funding firms / private investors here do not reflect ranking.

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