
Marathon Fusion Secures $6.9M in Funding to Advance Fusion Fuel Processing Technology

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Marathon Fusion, a startup focused on fusion fuel processing technology, has raised $6.9M in funding .

Led by 1517 Fund and Anglo American, with contributions from Übermorgen Ventures, Shared Future Fund, and others. This includes a CREATE award from the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E. Founded in 2023, Marathon Fusion aims to enhance fuel processing efficiency for fusion power plants, enabling smaller facilities and reduced operational costs by lowering tritium inventory requirements.

The company, supported early on by the Breakthrough Energy Fellows program, is now working to commercialize its technology to meet the high-throughput processing demands of fusion fuel. Marathon Fusion has signed Letters of Intent with fusion startups Commonwealth Fusion Systems and Helion Energy, which are advancing towards the deployment of fusion power plants.

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Fusion technology promises clean, scalable energy, but requires efficient fuel processing to be viable. Brandon Sorbom of Commonwealth Fusion Systems highlighted that Marathon’s technology could lower tritium inventory, reduce costs, and simplify power plant operations. Malcolm Handley of Strong Atomics emphasized the importance of efficient fuel recycling for a sustainable fusion ecosystem. Danielle Strachman of 1517 Fund noted that Marathon Fusion’s advancements are crucial for scaling fusion energy and achieving widespread deployment.

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